About US

All You Need to Know About The Hive SEA

Early-Stage Fund & Co-Creation Studio for Startups

The Hive Southeast Asia is a collaboration between The Hive, Tuas Capital Partners and the Sunway Group.

The Hive is a seed stage venture fund based in Palo Alto, California. We apply our entrepreneurial and operational experience to accelerate company building, leveraging data, AI, blockchain and deep tech to drive disruption and new market opportunities.

The Hive has invested in North America across four funds and has separate funds in Brazil, India and Southeast Asia.

Why The Hive

For Entrepreneurs


The Hive Southeast Asia offers early-stage financing ranging from RM500,000 to RM5 million and can assist in syndicating future rounds of financing with venture capitalists and strategic partners.


The Hive works with corporations and founders to propel startups through the early stages of their growth and mitigate technology risks and enhance product-market fit.

Early Customers & Partners

The Hive portfolio companies leverage on our strong partnerships and network with corporations and startups for early customers and go-to-market.

Co-Innovation Partner

Corporations are using every tool in their innovation toolbox to drive digital transformation, growth and business resilience. They aim to reduce innovative cycle times by complementing their internal innovation efforts with external and open innovation.

For corporations, The Hive’s innovation model is an effective way to get early access to cutting edge technologies to shape their products and meet their needs. On the other hand, startups benefit by having corporations as co-innovation partners who drive product-market fit.

Innovative Ecosystem

The Hive hosts an innovative ecosystem and thought leadership forum dubbed The Hive Think Tank, which brings together entrepreneurs, corporations, and thought leaders. Corporations such as IBM, SAP, Microsoft, Cloudera, Visa, Gamuda etc. have been sponsors of The Hive Think Tank.

The Hive Think Tank is the largest community of AI and data innovators in the SF Bay Area with a content platform and an event platform with over 11K members and regular events of 100-800 people in attendance every two weeks.

Corporate Co-creation

The Hive has collaborated with several corporations such as GE, Dell/EMC, eBay, and McKesson to co-create startups together. In some cases, The Hive is creating a new company to help the corporation build new sources of revenue with specific market focus giving them a time to market differentiation against their competitors. In other cases, corporations have technology, data and other assets that are underutilized, and The Hive helps roll these assets into a newly formed company that realizes value from the assets.

The Hive Southeast Asia Summit

We'd love to work with you

Reach out to The Hive SEA for potential investment, strategic Co-Creation, or even a career in the team.
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